Agenda 21

Why ”Sustainable” Earth, But Not Sustainable Human Health and Freedom?

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by Bernie Suarez, Activist

The globalist plans for depopulation and global enslavement could not be any clearer. The oddities and idiosyncrasies behind the Agenda 21 movement cloaked inside the climate movement is often overwhelming to anyone who thinks on their own and values the human experience. One need only to tune into one’s own intuition, and apply basic common sense, knowledge, and reason to figure out how we are being lied to today.

Consider this: Why is the control system so eager to push for “sustainable” earth but nothing else apparently needs to be sustainable? Remember, this is the same “climate change” multi-billion dollar movement that spun off in the name of the now long dead and gone global warming hoax movement pushed by the globalist secret Club of Rome after their creation in April of 1968 while working under the orders of the Committee of 300. For those who still can’t wrap their heads around this reality, you will never get to the core questions that matter. Instead, as I’ve often discovered from conversation and debates with the usual “progressive” climate advocates, their knowledge, passion and beliefs are all based on faith. That’s right, faith in what another “scientist” or government authority has claimed.

I recently challenged a “climate” activist in the streets of Hollywood. The woman seemed happy to tackle the climate issue, hoping to lure me into her all-planet-loving happy vibration and get me to donate to the movement. When I kindly but firmly confronted her as to why she believed what she believed, when I challenged her on the scientific and the conspiratorial sides of the argument she dismissed both arguments with, “I know a researcher who agrees with me” and “I just don’t believe that,” respectively. In terms of anything to do with science (CO2, knowledge of Greenhouse gases, the earth, the atmosphere and climate) her only rebuttal was her knowledge obtained by another scientist. When I mentioned IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) and how all of these “scientists” are government sponsored with a clear-cut agenda, she appeared to have no knowledge of this. When I mentioned Michael Mann and his fake exposed so-called “Hockey Stick” graph which ignored major temperature fluctuations on earth throughout history (Medieval warm period, Little-Ice Age), she responded with a blank look saying “oh that thing”!

I use this story to illustrate the ignorance that drives the “sustainable” movement of climate worship and how this ignorance is so deeply engrained in the minds of those who push it that it now requires no logic, reason or ability to make your argument. Like a religion, the movement seems to be strictly based on blind faith and emotional commitment to that position, like rooting for a favorite team without having to know the entire detailed history of that team.

This recent confrontation reminded me that it’s important to continue to challenge this global enslavement agenda which is disguised as a religion built on faith-based assumptions, propaganda, logical fallacies, and disinformation. Let’s step back and ask more important questions that will challenge the paradigm of global control looming in the background of the climate religion and Agenda 21 “sustainable” living.

Knowing that the primary goal is control of all human activity, let us ask questions like – how about the sustainability of human freedom? Doesn’t human consciousness deserve sustainability also? Is it really normal to live in a future world where government monitors what you are doing, how much energy you are consuming and subsequently punishing you for breaking the rules? Isn’t “sustaining” human freedom important? Like, very important? Isn’t the need to sustain true justice, liberty and equality also very important? Isn’t it sickening and hypocritical that the world’s wealthiest 16% are said to consume over 80% of the planet’s resources? Isn’t it disturbing that those who have concocted this plan for global sustainability are part of the same 16% (more like 0.01%) who are consuming the most resources?

What about “sustaining” human health by removing ALL genetically modified (GMO) foods from the planet? How is Monsanto contributing to sustainability when in the best-case scenario their genetically modified food is at least suspected of causing cancer and disease? Wouldn’t it be a move in a positive direction for human sustainability to terminate all GMO foods now? Or does human health sustainability not count? Why are there still toxins all around the planet affecting human health sustainability without a globalist secret society having meetings to stop this??


One aspect of those who follow the climate religion that begs explanation is their willingness to ingest all sorts of poisons into their bodies (which ultimately also affects the planet as well when the body decomposes, human waste, etc.), be it blatantly genetically modified toxic foods, toxic metal laced mandatory vaccines, chemically toxic water and an entire food manufacturing industry that freely sprays food with toxic pesticides. Climate changers pushing the U.N.’s Agenda 21 (without most of them realizing it) feel the earth is special but your body is somehow not. Their position is that your freedom is not important but the planet’s condition is. It’s like making someone clean their prison cell until it’s spotless. Yes, you might die in that prison cell, miserable due to your captivity and sick because you are eating poison; but who cares, at least the cell is clean and spotless! The inconsistencies, hypocrisy and disconnect from humanity that the climate movement brings is not different from this logic. Climate changers view the earth with linear single-dimensional logic. They fail to realize the universe and everything in it is one complete form of energy that cannot be separated. The planet, the environment, the universe, human consciousness, freedom and the ability to thrive in a healthy clean pollution free world is all tied into one. You cannot focus on JUST the environment and then watch as humanity suffers from endless illnesses, depopulation, anguish and enslavement at the hand of an overreaching oppressive global government.

And as the hypocrisy of the Agenda 21 movement hiding under the climate religion exerts its hypnotic effect on the masses, YOU, the human being are supposed to play second fiddle to the planet, even as the government literally destroys the planet themselves with their ongoinggeoengineering spraying programs. Let’s remember this is the same globalist-controlled government that seeks absolute power over humanity, loves propaganda and loves endless wars. This is a movement brought to you by the same controllers who want to depopulate the world down to 500 million and have no problem allowing the epidemic of cancer and other human diseases to explode to record numbers.

As the climate goons continue to push their political goal of controlling all human activity in the name of saving the planet, no one should be fooled by the strategies they are employing to attract others to their agenda. They are able to convince the average politically asleep zombie that if the “Koch brothers” are resisting climate measures then it is proof that the evil corporations are the ones against climate change which presumably represents “truth” (I.E. the global warming “deniers”). This ‘common enemies’ argument is so useful and believable that it works. The strategy is simple: Find a convincing enemy of the movement and pin your movement against them so as to attract others via the common enemy effect. It’s that simple. Yes corporations are known for being greedy and ruthless, but here’s the catch: so is government. And, more importantly, the Koch brothers pale in comparison to a deceptive movement and agenda concocted by some of the most greedy and powerful secret societies on the planet (the Club of Rome and the Counsel of 300).

“Oh I don’t believe that” – This was the response I got from the activist who was selling Agenda 21’s climate religion, when asked if she was aware of the Club of Rome’s publicly outlined long-term agenda for controlling all human activity by introducing a climate religion that would supersede all other religions and put the blame for the planet’s condition on the ever-consuming individual.

So as we continue to march ever closer to the globalist new world order where every form of human activity will be surveilled, categorized, documented, and fully controlled for fines, fees, imprisonment or worse, let’s document the steps that got us there. Persistent propaganda, blind belief, collectivism, lots of funding, and the mindset of acting for the “greater good.”

Ignorance – the great enemy

In order to get to where we are today it is necessary for ignorance to prevail in a major way. We’ve got just that, today. Ignorance of humanity’s history is at an all-time high. Don’t forget that the history of the Illuminati, the history of the globalist bankers, and the history of controlling governments and dictators is all part of our collective human history. What we are seeing is a generation who are completely ignorant of the history of their own species. This is the power of dividing people. When the people are divided they become unaware of each other’s history. This is what divide and conquer is all about.

The information war is an at its peak, so if you are awake now is the time to let your light shine. Share this information with others. It’s time to either throw out the whole “sustainable” religion talk from our vocabulary or start incorporating “sustainability” to human freedom, human dignity, and human health as well because it’s all interconnected.

Consider how misdirected it is for a species to forsake its OWN sustainability (of health, happiness, and freedom) for the sake of sustaining its planet based on “rules” and “science” concocted by the very same voices at the top who are making billions $ promoting the very religion of sustainability while consuming most of the resources.

The great challenge humanity faces is the quest to overcome the great ignorance we are under and see the bigger picture. Will enough people break through the ignorance and see the greater picture to change the ominous course we are on? Or will the bigger picture end at where we “save” the planet for the globalists to enjoy for themselves as they enslave the entire species? Only time will tell.

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