Secrecy over MH17, but Germanwings flight recording released today!
Katherine Frisk, The Phaser.com:
The Dutch have the flight recording of MH17. They have yet to release it to the public. On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed in eastern Ukraine killing all 298 people onboard. Putin’s missile was to blame, in spite of evidence to the contrary. First Examination of Malaysian MH-17 Cockpit Photo Shows Ukraine Government Shot the Plane Down and that it was not a Grad Missile.
No flight recording has ever been released to the press to confirm or deny the first reports by investigators on the ground. The only statement that has been made is that the Dutch Safety Board’s interim report confirmed that MH-17 apparently was destroyed by “high-velocity objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside.”
By contrast, only three days after Germanwings flight crashed into the French Alps on Tuesday the 24th of March, a press conference was held.
The New York Times reports:
“At this moment, in light of investigation, the interpretation we can give at this time is that the co-pilot through voluntary abstention refused to open the door of the cockpit to the commander, and activated the button that commands the loss of altitude,” the prosecutor, Brice Robin, said.
He said it appeared that the co-pilot’s intention had been “to destroy the aircraft.” He said that the voice recorder showed that the co-pilot had been breathing until before the moment of impact, suggesting that he was conscious and deliberate in his actions. He said that his inquiry had shown that the crash was intentional.
We are still waiting for the full flight recording of MH17 to be released.
Over eight months later, one has to wonder: Why the secrecy?