by Dr. Joseph. P. Farrell, via Giza Death Star.com:
It is almost a year to the day (Mar 8, 2014) that Malaysia Air flight 370 disappeared in circumstances that remain for the most part mysterious. This subject has fascinated me, as most of your know, since the flight first disappeared. And one year later, nothing really has changed to lessen the mystery. If anything, the mystery has only been heightened with time. It has intrinsic worth to some of our regular readers here on this site as well, since many of them live in Australia, Indonesia, Malasia, and other countries in that part of the world. Mr. E.G. shared this article with us, and I think, once you read it, you’ll agree that the mystery has only grown, not lessened, with time. This article, far from dissuading me from my initial “it just went ‘poof'” high octane speculation, (or perhaps, conversely, dangerously low octane speculation), does precisely the reverse. And in any case, it contains one of the most useful summaries of the MH 370 story and the history of its “emergent explanations” to date:
How crazy am I to think I actually know where that Malaysia airlines plane is?
Let’s look at the Summary, before looking at his theory, for I spoke directly to various aspects of his theory almost a year before this article appeared, on Ms. George Anne Hughes’ The Byte Show (See here:
.1. The Summary:
The summary in the article is perhaps worth its own weight in gold:
“What made MH370 challenging to cover was, first, that the event was unprecedented and technically complex and, second, that the officials were remarkably untrustworthy. For instance, the search started over the South China Sea, naturally enough, but soon after, Malaysia opened up a new search area in the Andaman Sea, 400 miles away. Why? Rumors swirled that military radar had seen the plane pull a 180. The Malaysian government explicitly denied it, but after a week of letting other countries search the South China Sea, the officials admitted that they’d known about the U-turn from day one.
“Of course, nothing turned up in the Andaman Sea, either. But in London, scientists for a British company called Inmarsat that provides telecommunications between ships and aircraft realized its database contained records of transmissions between MH370 and one of its satellites for the seven hours after the plane’s main communication system shut down. Seven hours! Maybe it wasn’t a crash after all—if it were, it would have been the slowest in history.
“These electronic “handshakes” or “pings” contained no actual information, but by analyzing the delay between the transmission and reception of the signal— called the burst timing offset, or BTO—Inmarsat could tell how far the plane had been from the satellite and thereby plot an arc along which the plane must have been at the moment of the final ping.Fig. 3 That arc stretched some 6,000 miles, but if the plane was traveling at normal airliner speeds, it would most likely have wound up around the ends of the arc—either in Kazakhstan and China in the north or the Indian Ocean in the south. My money was on Central Asia. But CNN quoted unnamed U.S.-government sources saying that the plane had probably gone south, so that became the dominant view.”
This is, of course, a very adequate summary, but it leaves out of view all the detailed twists and turns of the story as it evolved at the time. Recall only that some time after the initial disappearance, we then heard stories of alleged eyewitnesses who had seen the aircraft flying low, and at night, westward across the Malaysian Peninsula, where, for a brief moment, the idea was floated that the aircraft crashed. Until, that is, once again, no debris could be found. Then we had the stories of US Generals on Sean Hannity’s television show on Faux News, maintaining the ridiculous story (straightfaced, no less, with a worried and so-concerned Hannity looking on), that the aircraft and flown close behind another aircraft at the same altitude over Indian airspace, to be used in some Iranian false flag terrorist operation. All this, of course, from the general’s “inside sources” in the intelligence “community.” There was just one teensy problem: they forgot to vet that story with New Delhi, and the Indian defense ministry promptly announced that such a scenario was impossible as they would have seen and tracked the event on their radars. Then we had the inevitable conspiracy stories, which included computer hardware experts from a Texas company flying to Beijing to sell out precious secrets and that’s why the plane had to be “brought down,” to this one, mentioned in the artcle itself:
“One, by French writer Marc Dugain, states that the plane was shot down by the U.S. because it was headed toward the military bases on the islands of Diego Garcia as a flying bomb.”
This was, of course, but one version of the “Diego Garcia” theory, the other being that the plane had landed there, was quickly hangared to avoid detection by spy satellites, and was to be used in a terrorist false flag operation by (you guessed it) Israel, to put the blame on Iran.
But as I pointed out in my interview with George Ann over a year ago, any move to the south, i.e., toward the Indian Ocean, was a clue to me that the flight, and the complete lack of any detectable debrix field, had to be spun, since the story itself was inexplicable. Thus, the flight had to “get” to the Indian Ocean by whatever pre-fabricated story-method precisely because a debris field there could be easily covered up, as well as manufactured, for the simple reason that the depth of the Indian Ocean would allow only certain nations with the technology to access such ocean depths to do so. And that meant in turn that those nations had to be taken at their word for whatever “debris” was turned up or recovered. In other words, diversion to the Indian Ocean was necessary in order to coverup whatever else may have been really going on.
Here, finally, we get to the article’s main theory, central to which is the questioning of the “data” that points to the Indian Ocean… but for that, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow…