Who Killed Boris Nemtsov?
Caught: The CIA at it again
by Moti Nissani, via Veterans Today.com:
Summary: In all likelihood, the February 27 assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov is part of the CIA’s campaign of discrediting Russian President Vladimir Putin and destablizing the nuclearly-armed Russian Federation.
A few hours ago, on the evening of February 27, 2015, Boris Nemtsov (1959-2015), former deputy prime minister of the Russian Federation and a leader of the Russian opposition, was murdered, some 200 meters away from the Kremlin. According to a CIA-sponsored publication that lost no time in updating Nemtsov’s biography, he had been “an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin.”
Was President Vladimir Putin behind this murder—or was it someone else?
To begin with, everyone agrees that Putin is a brilliant strategist and politician. Against all odds, he has so far brought Russia from the brink of utter poverty, disintegration, and disaster. One has just to watch him improvising a press conference, calmly, competently, and tirelessly, to realize that one is dealing here with a real, almost forgotten, specimen of a lost art: superb statesmanship.
So, we need to ask ourselves: What could Putin gain from the killing of Nemtsov? On first sight, it might appear that he had plenty to gain, for the two were clearly at odds about the future direction of Russia. But with an 85% popularity rating—by far the highest of any politician on our war-ridden planet—Putin has no need to assassinate his opponents.
Moreover, according to the facts put forward by a CIA-sponsored publication, and despite attempts to lionize the likes of Kasparov and Nemtsov in the Western captive media, Nemtsov was a political small potato who posed no threat whatsoever to the immensely popular Putin. Thus, Wikipedia tells us: “In the parliamentary elections of December 2003 the Union of Rightist Forces, whose list was headed by both Nemtsov and Chubais, received just 2.4 million votes, or 4% of the total, thus falling short of the 5% threshold necessary to enter Parliament and losing all of its seats in the State Duma.” Nemtsov didn’t even manage to get elected as mayor of Sochi, winning a mere 14% of the vote in the 2009 mayoral elections of that city. Putin would have to be not only ruthless but insane to order the killing of such an obviously unpopular fifth columnist.
Putin likewise must have been aware of the assassination of the late Alberto Nisman (1963-2015), the chief prosecutor of the 1994 car bombing of the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires. Did President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner benefit from that probable assassination? Did she gain anything at all from Nisman’s death? The obvious answer is that she did not. Nisman was a mere irritant to begin with, a confidant of the American government in charge of investigating a tragic event that took place many years before the Kirchners assumed power. Moreover, owing to Nisman’s death, Cristina’s position has weakened considerably. The murder has led, among other things, to demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of gullible Argentines who listen, watch, and believe their CIA-owned mass media.
Given the Argentine experience, would an acknowledged grandmaster of political strategy shoot himself in the foot by ordering the killing of a minor irritant? Does Putin need to kill a man who says that Crimea should effectively belong to Russia’s enemies and would-be disintegrators —despite the overwhelming votes of the people of Crimea, despite the arbitrariness of Crimea ever belonging to Ukraine, despite Crimea’s critical importance to Russian security? Could a former advisor to Ukraine’s IMF-owned former President Yushchenko ever pose a threat to the patriotic and popular Putin?
As well, and contrary to everything we hear in the Western CIA-owned media, it would be totally out of character for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to order the assassination of political opponents. Over the years, Putin had to put up with any number of home-grown traitors, who had deliberately or naively forgotten the entire history of Western crimes against Russia, and who had been dead-set on resurrecting the disastrous, servile, Yeltsin era. And yet there is no evidence, solid or circumstantial, that Putin had ordered the assassination of dissenting voices.
Or to give another of many example: In 2008, one suspects, Putin would have liked to continue serving as president of the Russian Federation. And yet, despite his probable wishes, despite the fact that Russia needed him, he chose to play by the rules and ceded the presidency—and at least some powers—to Medvedev. Does that sound like a man who would assassinate a misguided or bribed unpopular opponent?
So, even if no candidates presented themselves for the role of Nemtsov’s would-be assassin, it would appear highly unlikely that President Putin would have been stupid enough, and heartless enough, to serve in that role.
But our story does not merely end in the exoneration of President Putin, for a likelier assassin readily presents itself: America’s shadow government. That government is either directly involved in Nemtsov’s assassination, or used one of its proxies to carry it out (the list of proxies is certainly as long as it is hideous, and includes MI6, Mossad, the Saudi dictatorship, Ukrainian Nazis, Muslim henchmen such as Al Qaeda and ISIS—none of which would have hatched such a plan without the knowledge and sponsorship of the CIA).
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