See Which Companies Are Working To Prevent GMO Labeling!
by Kristina Martin, Natural News:
An apathy has descended upon the American people, a combination of, “I don’t care,” and, “What difference would it make, anyway?” We have stood back and allowed so many of our rights to be taken away in the last 15 years. We cannot – we must not – lose the right to know what is in the food we eat.
H.R.4432, also known as The DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) is a bill that will stop efforts to label GMO foods. It will deny individual states the right to pass laws requiring GMO labeling and will make any previously passed state laws null and void. And the ultimate joke is the full title of the bill: H.R. 4432 – Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2014.
Of course, the bill is written in such a way that its application is unclear. Yes, it would make sense to have a federal regulation regarding the labeling of GMO foods. Yes, it would be a burden on the manufacturers if each state required a different label. But the truth is, this bill’s ultimate purpose has nothing to do with food safety; it has everything to do with the companies who have spent an estimated 100 million to get it passed – those who benefit from keeping the word GMO off their labels.
So which companies are lobbying for this bill? Well, you’re right if you guessed Monsanto is near the top of the list. They are number three. The first is PepsiCo, followed by the Grocery Manufacturers Association. Number four is the Natural Products Association, which seems odd until a little digging reveals that they advocate slapping a label of “natural” on GMO foods. Is it any wonder Bayer and Dupont are members?
There are two things we can do. One is to tell our represented leaders that we demand the right to choose what we eat. We want GMOs labeled. Every time.
The second thing we can do is start boycotting the businesses that are spending millions of dollars to take away our right to know what we are eating. The following is the list of those lobbying for the bill to pass.
- PepsiCo Inc
- Grocery Manufacturers Assn
- Monsanto Co
- Natural Products Assn
- Land O’Lakes
- Kellogg Co
- International Dairy Foods Assn
- Abbott Laboratories
- Kraft Foods Group
- Environmental Working Group
- American Farm Bureau
- American Seed Trade Assn
- Bayer AG
- Biotechnology Industry Organization
- Coca-Cola Co
- Ohio Farm Bureau
- Pennsylvania Farm Bureau
- Indiana Farm Bureau
- North Carolina Farm Bureau
- Nestle SA
- National Council of Farmer Co-ops
- National Farmers Union
- Safeway Inc
- ConAgra Foods
- Campbell Soup
- Center for Food Safety
- American Sugarbeet Growers Assn
- American Feed Industry Assn
- Food Marketing Institute
- General Mills
- Aqua Bounty Technologies
- Dean Foods
- DuPont Co
- Hillshire Brands Co
- Intl Assn of Refrigerated Warehouses
- Iowa Farm Bureau
- Kansas Farm Bureau
- Illinois Agricultural Assn
- Dairy Business Assn
- EWG Action Fund
- Amway/Alticor Inc
- Bryce Corp
- Corn Refiners Assn
- Syngenta AG
- Minnesota Farm Bureau
- Missouri Farm Bureau
- Mondelez International
- Michigan Farm Bureau
- National Organic Coalition
- National Potato Council
- New York Farm Bureau
- National Confectioners Assn
- Schwan Food
- Snack Food Assn
- Council for Responsible Nutrition
- Consumers Union of the US
- Alabama Farmers Federation
- American Assn for Justice
- American Bakers Assn
- Florida Farm Bureau
To find your representatives in Congress and learn how to contact them click on this link. Please ask them to vote against this bill!