Ghaddafi, Satellites and Die Rooivalk
This week the story broke that the South African Secret Service was spying on the South African Government. In leaked documents sent to Al Jazeera, we discover that Russia and South Africa put a spy Satellite up over Africa in December 2014, which is what Ghaddafi in conjunction with Russia was going to do in the first place.
Africa has high Internet and cell phone charges because it uses European and US Satellites and has to pay extra for this service. But, as Cameron is so fond of saying about certain people, Ghaddafi “had to go!” If Africa had it’s own Satellite, they would no longer be slaves to the US and Europe. Then Hilary Clinton came, she saw and Ghaddafi died. End of story. But wait… not so fast.
The really interesting part of this whole story is not the Satellite, it is not Israel, the PLO and Hamas. It is not even Israel and the PLO wanting covert South African agents to infiltrate Hamas. No! Not at all.
The really interesting part the story are these paragraphs:
“It was also reported that the South African government was “seriously deliberating” offering an IPO (initial public offering) in the state-owned arms manufacturer Denel.”
“This has attracted the interest of the Russian arms industry,” Agent Africanist says. In the event of such a sale, “Russia will strongly consider entering into a strategic arrangement with Denel, providing technical support, know how and technology transfer.”
Some background. Denel is an arms manufacturing firm. It has a long history going back to South Africa’s border war with Angola during the 1960’s ,1970’s and 1980’s. It was once part of Armscor, but has since been split off to form subsidiaries.
In August 12014, Jacob Zuma , the President of South Africa made an unexpected visit to Moscow and had a meeting with Putin.The whole thing was clouded in secrecy with a lot of speculation all around. Especially as Jacob Zuma only travelled with State Security Minister David Mahlobo and Deputy International Relations Minister Nomaindia Mfeketo. He did not even take ONE wife. He has four.
It was the “Sate Security,” that caught my eye.Which we now know has got a lot to do with spy Satellites. But, it also has a lot to do with Denel. Denel produces amongst other things, the Rooivalk. This military helicopter was designed specifically for fighting conditions in the African bush. The Rooivalk was largely responsibile for destroying M23 held positons in the DRC.
Also in August 2014, DefenceWeb published this article:
There is a future for the Rooivalk – Denel
Here is a quote:
“South African Army Chief Lieutenant General Vusi Masondo last week said he would like to see the aircraft back in production. “Our involvement with the FIB [UN Force Intervention Brigade] and the deployment of the Rooivalk has proved to be a force multiplier and game changer. There has been a lot of interest and enquiries.” Masondo said that export contracts would minimise the costs of the aircraft for the SANDF due to economies of scale.
His comments echo those of defence minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula who, speaking after a briefing on South African peace support mission involvement in March this year, said that Denel Aviation had to be pushed to restart production. “We have to assist them in whatever way to manufacture more because… everybody now wants a Rooivalk and they want a Rooivalk from South Africa…wherever you go right now people are talking about the Rooivalk and people would want to order the Rooivalk…so our defence industry must be beefed up, must be assisted.”
This confirmed my suspicions at the time. That the “secret meeting”in Moscow had less to do with Nuclear power stations as was concluded in the press, and a lot more to do with Security, of which Denel plays a major role.
So there you have it. Die Rooivalk is Afrikaans … it means Red Falcon.