All posts tagged "WW3"
The Phaser | December 20, 2015
Putin Says He’s Ready To Increase Troop Levels In Syria
from C-Span, via wwwMOXNEWScom: VIDEO: December 18, 2015 C-SPAN News
The Phaser | December 20, 2015
Illuminati 2016: A Scary Hidden Message… [Hollywood EXPOSED]
from Jason A: VIDEO: Illuminati reveals shocking plans for the future in 2016….Satanic infiltration of the entertainment industry new world...
The Phaser | December 18, 2015
House of Saud Ready To Fall? — Joseph Farrell
from Joseph Farrell: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE NEFARIUM DEC 17 2015 VIDEO: Joseph Farrell breaks down the geopolitical...
The Phaser | December 17, 2015
The Earth is in Quarantine – Michael Tsarion
from Morph314: VIDEO: Eye of the Observer – it holds true in the whole UNIVERSE. The New World Order Agenda...
The Phaser | December 17, 2015
US Government & Central Bankers Indicate WW3 Is On Track
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 844b
The Phaser | December 17, 2015
SPOTTED: U.N. Multinational Force Observer
from Professor Doom1: VIDEO: Here is the original video from earlier today. There is a misconception about this U.N. guy’s...
The Phaser | December 17, 2015
from grindall61: VIDEO: Troops with equipment being mobilized in Southern California. Video first starts near the 15/210 juntion heading southbound...
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
Some Alternative Media Outlets Spreading Islamophobia — Kevin Barrett
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Why are some alt media outlets (like Infowars) spreading Islamophobia?
The Phaser | December 15, 2015
Turkey Is Now Being Used To Spark WWIII
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 842b
The Phaser | December 15, 2015
Max Igan – Dealing with Kakistocracy & the Flat Earth PSYOP
from Max Igan, via Bob Cylon: noun, kakistocracy. 1. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the...