All posts tagged "Obama"
The Phaser | May 7, 2015
Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global The US led war against the Islamic State is a big lie. Going...
The Phaser | May 4, 2015
Obama, Hillary/Bill, Bush, “income inequality and violence” The big lie
by John Rappoport, From the Trenches World “There are lots of ways to destroy communities. One of...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
The May 2nd Odessa Massacre: Why Obama’s Coup-Regime Still Runs Ukraine
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s The May 2nd Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers last year at the Odessa...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Obama’s Drone Assassinations and TPP = Tough Patooties, People
CEO Obama rules Plutocracy through fear, intimidation and secrecy by Alan L Roland, Veterans Senators Elizabeth Warren...
The Phaser | April 28, 2015
Obama Fights to Spread GMO Foods Throughout Europe
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s One of the major barriers blocking U.S. President Barack Obama’s campaign for his...
The Phaser | April 25, 2015
American Politics: A House of Mirrors
by Ulson Gunnar, A house of mirrors is an immersive, highly distorted and intentionally confusing version of...
The Phaser | April 24, 2015
Obama Urges Saudi Dictator Abdulaziz to Keep Attacking Yemen
by Robert Barsocchini, Washington’s Obama expressed his desire for Saudi dictator Abdulaziz to continue his illegal assault...
The Phaser | April 23, 2015
Putin Undercuts Obama Iran Ploy
by F. William Engdahl, Once more Vladimir Putin and his team have managed to undercut Washington’s geopolitical...
The Phaser | April 17, 2015
22-Year-Old Commits Suicide at Capitol to Send a Message to Congress- TAX THE 1%!!!!
By Pam Martens, via Fig Trees and Vineyards: At approximately 1:07 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, April 11, during...
The Phaser | April 16, 2015
Washington Pushes the Reset Button with Moscow: Obama Administration Renews U.S. Claims On Former Soviet Space
by Rick Rozoff, Global Originally published in July 2010 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton completed a...