All posts tagged "NWO"
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
From Varese, Italy to Benton Harbor, Michigan: The Same Struggle Against Whirlpool
Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, Honorary President of Italy’s Supreme Court, Is First Signatory of Call to Support Italian Metal...
The Phaser | June 13, 2015
TPP: Fast-track Hands the Money Monopoly to Private Banks — Permanently
by Ellen Brown, Washington’s Blog: It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand...
The Phaser | June 12, 2015
Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral: the Globalists have a major problem
by Jon Rappoport, Activist Post: Stay with me on this one. You’ll see what the powers-that-be are really...
The Phaser | June 12, 2015
There’s Bipartisan Hatred Towards TPP … But Corrupt Congress Trying to Pass It, Anyway
from Washington’s Blog: The hatred of the Trans Pacific Partnership is widespread and bipartisan. Here’s the front page...
The Phaser | June 12, 2015
Mainstream Media as a Weapon of Social Engineering and War
from Intercept Media: Waldemar Perez spoke at Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus on May 10th, 2015. Here is...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
TPP: The Dirtiest Trade Deal You’ve Never Heard Of
from Expose The TPP: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could cost us our internet freedom, labor rights, access to...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Convicted Criminal David Petraeus to Represent US at Bilderberg
Former CIA boss excused from prison crucial to Bilderberg mass surveillance agenda by Kurt Nimmo, Global Research: In...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Friday Vote: Congress Rushing the TPP Through Even Though They Know Americans Will Lose Jobs
by Melissa Dykes, Activist Post: There’s nothing free about free trade. The only reason Congress is holding out...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Bilderberg chooses Hillary Clinton for 2016?
by Intellihub News, Global Research: The “official” Bilderberg Group website has released a list of participants for this years upcoming conference. The website...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
China Launches Internet Police, Governments Everywhere Jealous
by James Holbrooks, Activist Post: On June 1 China’s Ministry of Public Securityannounced the formation of an Internet...