All posts tagged "NWO"
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
California Leads The Way Into TOTAL TYRANNY!
from ExperimentalVaccines: California Law Passes Turning Children Into Bioweapons – SB-277 MANDATORY Vaccinations Bill signed into law by...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
Our Bleak NWO Future: Humans Need Not Apply
from CGP Grey: The future for mankind will be quite bleak if the New World Order powers get...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
Is NASA Involved in the Plan To Usher in A New World Order?
from Alltime Conspiracies: In the 1990s, journalist Serge Monast revealed what he claimed to be NASA’s ultimate goal...
The Phaser | June 30, 2015
CIA INSIDER EXPOSES: JFK’s Knowledge of the Alien Presence
from darkjournalist: Guest: Douglas Caddy
The Phaser | June 30, 2015
Jewish Tyranny At The U.S. Supreme Court?
from Brother Nathanael: Less than 2% of the population, but 50% of the Supreme Court. Fact.
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
Muse’s “The Handler”: A Song About A Mind Control Slave
from Vigilant Citizen: Muse’s The Handler is one of the most obvious music videos about Monarch mind control...
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
A Freemason Revealed The Greek Plot in 2008
Greece was chosen to play the role of the European Union bankrupt member state in order to “create”...
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
BET Awards 2015 Illuminati Exposed
from Mark Dice: A breakdown of the Illuminati symbolism and secrets of the 2015 BET Awards show, featuring...
The Phaser | June 28, 2015
The Pursuit Of Food Freedom — Joel Salatin
from ChrisMartensondotcom: Sustainable farming activist Joel Salatin and author of Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal returns...
The Phaser | June 27, 2015
THE LOVE OF TECHNOLOGY: A Quiet Conspiracy Against Ourselves
from FaceLikeTheSun: Lawrence Quill at Phys.Org wrote a great article titled “Our love of technology risks becoming a quiet...