All posts tagged "NWO"
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
“We’re in BIG Trouble” — Donald Trump Interview
from America’s Real News: VIDEO: Donald Trump on the dishonesty of the mainstream press and the fall of...
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
The Social Terrorism of the Mainstream Media
from thecrowhouse: VIDEO: Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – Season 5 – Episode 04
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
Are ISIS Led, El Salvadorian Gangs in Beta Test For US Invasion?
from NorthWestLibertyNews: VIDEO: Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show and James White of The Liberty Brothers Radio...
The Phaser | July 31, 2015
The Jesuit Controlled Papal Power is Anti-Christ, Says Tom Friess
from WeAreONEbigFamily is Back: (The Global Vatican 29) VIDEO: Every Pope is picked and controlled by the Jesuit...
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
Satanists Use Baphomet Statue Profits To Fight FOR ABORTION
Why wouldn’t they support child sacrifice? by Steve Watson, Prison Planet: A New York based Devil obsessed cult,...
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
UPDATE: H.R. 2899 Bill for Dealing with American “Extremists”
from jsnip4: Digging into the latest Nazi-esque, overtly tyrannical Bill from the US Congress, as reported by SGT...
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
FALLOUT 4 to MATTHEW 4: How the NWO Funds the Video Game Industry
from FaceLikeTheSun: With the upcoming release of the post-apocalyptic game Fallout 4, I thought I’d trace the money...
The Phaser | July 29, 2015
Hawking, Musk, Wozniak WARN AGAIN About A.I. DANGER
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: A Warning has been issued concerning Artificial Intelligence from a huge list of leaders in...
The Phaser | July 28, 2015
Pioneers of Propaganda — Texe Marrs
from Rense: Clip from July 20, 2015 – guest Texe Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.
The Phaser | July 28, 2015
The Time Is Now. Don’t Wait Till Tomorrow. WAKE UP.
from EyezOpenWyde: VIDEO: Stop trying to fill the hole in your life, and start climbing out. Featuring the...