All posts tagged "Neocons"
The Phaser | December 1, 2015
Turkey Shot Down Russia’s Plane, Now Putin Will Finish the Job
from Brother Nathanael: Why Turkey Shot Down Russia’s Plane VIDEO: Here’s Brother Nathanael’s unique and informed perspective on geopolitics...
The Phaser | November 29, 2015
Earthfiles Podcast #23: UFO’s, JFK & Government Coverups
from Earthfiles: VIDEO: Linda Moulton Howe interviews Jim Marrs.
The Phaser | November 23, 2015
The Empire Unmasked — Ryan Dawson
from Ryan Dawson: VIDEO: Ryan Dawson discusses his new documentary The Empire Unmasked.
The Phaser | November 18, 2015
Eustace Mullins on Ronald Reagan & The Neocon Trotskyite Communists
from TheRapeOfJustice: VIDEO: Truth Flashback: Eustace Mullins with Michael Collins Piper on The Piper Report, January 8, 2007.
The Phaser | October 20, 2015
Michael Chertoff “We’re Not Going To Re-litigate 9/11” (Oh Really?)
from wwwMOXNEWScom: VIDEO: Michael Chertoff is a very bad man who told some very big lies about 9/11 and...
The Phaser | October 19, 2015
War Party Taking Control of US Government as Obama’s Power Wanes
from Webster Tarpley Radio: VIDEO: Obama is losing control of the government, according to Webster Tarpley who says the...
The Phaser | October 14, 2015
YOU Can’t Handle the 9/11 Truth: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
from VIDEO: One of the first videos ever produced by SGT Report for You Tube. April 11, 2010....
The Phaser | October 4, 2015
Mosaic of Facts — How They Tell You WHAT To Believe
from RT Documentary: A Must Watch Documentary VIDEO: Can you tell truth from lies in mass media? RTD’s Miguel Francis-Santiago...
The Phaser | October 3, 2015
Taking On the Psychopaths Who’ve Hijacked Our World — Max Igan
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Max Igan joins Richie Allen to discuss the Psychopaths who have hijacked our...
The Phaser | October 2, 2015
Rothschild Zionism: They Dare Not Speak Its Name — David Icke
from Dismantle The Matrix: VIDEO: British author and lecturer David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55...