All posts tagged "GEOENGINEERING"
The Phaser | March 13, 2016
from ron johnson: VIDEO: US Government weather modification and GENOCIDE: THE BEST CHEMTRAILS OF 2016
The Phaser | March 12, 2016
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 12, 2016
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: LIBERAL agendas and globalist polices are destroying our nation, the environment and our future. 9/11...
The Phaser | March 9, 2016
Government Quietly Admits To Weather Modification In California
from DAHBOO77: VIDEO: As this country inches farther away from the democracy it once pretended to be, the level of...
The Phaser | March 6, 2016
Weapons of Mass Distraction Are KILLING Us
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 5, 2016 ( )
The Phaser | March 2, 2016
Large Earthquake (M7.8) in Indonesia – US Agencies IGNORE Tsunami Warning
from dutchsinse: VIDEO: Full post here covering the earthquake today in Indonesia:… Text rant below 🙂 enjoy! This is...
The Phaser | February 27, 2016
9/11, Geoengineering & The Madness of the Elite – Dane Wiginton
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: 9/11 truth and geonengineering truth will set us free, IF the criminals behind it are...
The Phaser | February 23, 2016
from FaceLikeTheSun: MOON MUSIC & CHEMTRAILS: Look Up For Your Redemption Draws Near VIDEO: I document the strange fireball I...
The Phaser | February 20, 2016
Geoengineering: The Death of Land, Animal, Water & Humanity
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: Dane Wigington is sounding the alarm on what we face as the human race: The...
The Phaser | February 14, 2016
UFO Coverup, Deep State Quantum Computing & Covert GENOCIDE
from Rense, via STOP TERRORISM: VIDEO: Chemtrail Quantum Computing Mind Control Nanotech — Preston James Covert GENOCIDE in America Summary: Fluoride...
The Phaser | February 14, 2016
Want TRUTH? Put On Your Big Boy Pants And LISTEN!
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: The “official stories” we are handed are almost always bunk: JFK, 9/11, 7/7 bombings, the...