All posts tagged "David Rockefeller"
The Phaser | September 20, 2017
The Bush Dynasty: 3rd Tier in the New World Order Rothschild Hierarchy
from TheRapeOfJustice: The Bush Dynasty: 3rd Tier in the World Order Hierarchy VIDEO: Eustace Mullins in the Bobby Lee...
The Phaser | March 22, 2017
D ROCK DEAD: Extreme Woo Woo & Deep State Mubojumbo
from Abel Danger: Do Serco’s 8(a) Con Air Demons Link The Fake News Fooling Trump To The Pine Gap...
The Phaser | June 9, 2015
Bilderberg 2015: Implementation of the A.I. Grid
by Jay Dyer, Activist Post: The plan to integrate nations into continental trading blocs is not a new...