All posts tagged "Clinton crimes"
The Phaser | November 2, 2015
Zombie, Brain Dead Hillary Supporters Endorse SHARIA LAW in AMERICA!
from Mark Dice: VIDEO: Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an...
The Phaser | August 15, 2015
from What Really Happened: NEW! Updated for Hillary’s 2016 run! My thanks to everyone who took the time...
The Phaser | August 15, 2015
The Vince Foster MURDER Cover-Up & Hillary Clinton
from The Book Archive: VIDEO: Researcher & Author Christopher Ruddy Vincent Walker “Vince” Foster, Jr. (January 15, 1945 –...
The Phaser | August 15, 2015
James Forrestal & Vince Foster: NWO MURDERS in DC
from Media Broadcasting Center Official Channel: VIDEO: The Real Deal Ep # 91
The Phaser | August 15, 2015
Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation: MULTIPLE FELONIES
from Pete Santilli Show: VIDEO: Will any of the multiple felonies Hillary Clinton has committed stick this time? Or do...
The Phaser | June 21, 2015
NWO PUPPETS: Jeb Awarded Hillary With ‘Liberty Medal’ In 2013
…Now Says She Failed As Secretary Of State by Rachel Blevins, Truth In Media: Nearly two years after Jeb...