The Phaser | May 8, 2015
Israeli Defense Minister Promises to Kill More Palestinian Civilians and Threatens to Nuke Iran
by Asa Winstanley, Global Research.ca: Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon on Tuesday said Israel would attack entire civilian neighborhoods...
The Phaser | May 8, 2015
US fails to admit defeat in Syria policies: Analyst
“No one in the military is under the illusion that training the Syrians will be a game-changer…it is...
The Phaser | May 7, 2015
Moscow warns Kiev against attempts to disrupt Minsk Accords
Ukrainian forces had violated the ceasefire 70 times over the previous 24 hours [Editor’s note: The EURO Maidan Kiev...
The Phaser | May 7, 2015
NATO Attempt At ‘Interim’ Government in Syria Echoes Libya Model
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post.com: The immediate clamor from the Western mainstream press regarding the fall of Idlib...
The Phaser | May 7, 2015
Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research.ca: The US led war against the Islamic State is a big lie. Going...
The Phaser | May 6, 2015
WAR CRIMES PROOF: “Kill Anything” — Israeli Soldiers Testify That Gaza Atrocities Came From ORDERS FOR INDISCRIMINATE FIRE
from Democracy Now: A new report based on testimonies of Israeli soldiers concludes the massive civilian death toll...
The Phaser | May 6, 2015
More signs of preparations for war?
by The Saker, The Saker.is: As most of you already know, the Chinese Navy has sent warships into...
The Phaser | May 6, 2015
Saudi Arabia’s Yemen War, Factory of Terror & American Bribery
by Abby Martin, Media Roots.org: Saudi Arabia’s American backed war in Yemen continues, yet it is massively failing...
The Phaser | May 6, 2015
Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking Cartel
by Brandon Turbeville , Activist Post.com: In a tiny corner of Eastern Europe, a fledgling Republic struggling with...
The Phaser | May 6, 2015
‘Tomorrow’s Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa’
Forthcoming book by Nick Turse explores Washington’s escalating war on the continent by Abayomi Azikiwe, Global Research.ca: Author...