The Phaser | May 14, 2015
Ageing White South African Mercenaries Bring Boko Haram’s Reign Of Terror To An End
by Coleen Freeman, AFK Insider.com: With their roots in South Africa apartheid-era security forces, they do not fit the...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
Foreign Policy Diary – Syrian War
from SOUTH FRONT: Last month Islamist insurgents including al Qaeda’s wing in Syria, Nusra Front, captured the town of...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
‘ISIS, Albanian extremists – US supports anyone who does what it wants’
from RT.com: The US still supports the Kosovo project even though it has failed and brought great instability...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
Battlefield: Black Sea
by Eric Draitser, NEO.org: While the war in Ukraine has raged on for more than a year, the...
The Phaser | May 12, 2015
The New York Times does its government’s bidding: Here’s what you’re not being told about U.S. troops in Ukraine
U.S. troops are now operating openly in Ukraine. The “paper of record’s” “coverage” is an embarrassment, per usual...
The Phaser | May 12, 2015
UK Telegraph Accused of Fabricating Syria Coup Story
from Veterans Today.com: [ Veterans Today Editor’s note: The UK Telegraph has published a story today about a...
The Phaser | May 12, 2015
Yemeni Houthis share video, images of ‘downed’ Moroccan F16 jet
from Veterans Today.com: Moroccan F-16. (Still from Youtube video by Moroccan Military Power) Yemen’s Houthi rebels have claimed...
The Phaser | May 11, 2015
ISIS and its mission: Religious cleansing, genocide & destruction of the past
by Dr. Can Erimtan, RT.com: The Islamic State has become part and parcel of global news cycles, but...
The Phaser | May 11, 2015
Obama’s Duplicitous V-Day Remarks
by Stephen Lendman, The Saker.is: Obama and Vladimir Putin are geopolitical polar opposites. Russia’s leader supports peace, stability and...
The Phaser | May 11, 2015
CONFIRMED: US “Operation Rooms” Backing Al Qaeda in Syria
by Tony Cartalucci, NEO.org: US policy think-tank Brookings Institution confirms that contrary to propaganda, US-Saudi “moderates” and Turkey-Qatar “Islamists”...