The Phaser | May 24, 2015
ISIS Furious About Conspiracy Theories and Truthers!
from The Corbett Report: Did you know that ISIS has an official, sleek English-language propaganda magazine? And were...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
Wahhabis Go Nuclear — Literally. Saudi Arabia’s Bomb?- Pepe Escobar
by Pepe Escobar, Global Research.ca: The serious possibility of a nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 is...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
First Comments on Alexey Mozgovoy’s Murder
[Editor’s note: Whoever did this, bad, bad mistake. Whoever was behind it, bad, bad mistake. You better start...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
Alexei Mozgovoi has been murdered!
from The Saker.is: Numerous Russian sources are confirming that Alexei Mozgovoi has been murdered today on the road...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
Iraqi army pushing to free Ramadi from ISIL terrorists
from Press TV: Army forces and volunteers launched an offensive against the Takfiris near Ramadi on Saturday. Local...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
Alexei Mozgovoi assassinated on 23.05.15 on the road from Luhansk to Alchevsk
from Kazurra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U1Th1PUrPE from Ruptly: Ukraine: Investigators arrive at scene of ‘Phantom Brigade’ commander’s killing *GRAPHIC* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYn3t4lAn8w
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
Army, Kurdish Fighters Seize ISIL’s Main Stronghold in Syria’s Hasaka
The Syrian army and the Kurdish Popular Defense Committees gained control over ISIL’s most important stronghold in Hasaka...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
from Zero Hedge.com: From the first sudden, and quite dramatic, appearance of the fanatical Islamic group known as...
The Phaser | May 24, 2015
DIA Docs: West Wants a “Salafist Principality in Eastern Syria”
by Robert Barsocchini, Washington’s Blog.com: Newly-declassified US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents from 2012: In Syria: THE SALAFIST...
The Phaser | May 23, 2015
Fear Porn at the BBC (ISIS, Syria and Ramadi )
No longer simply “managed news” by Ian Greenhalgh, Veterans Today.com: I happened to catch a snippet of the...