The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Syrian army launches offensive to retake ISIL-held Palmyra, kills 50 terrorists
from Press TV.com: The Syrian army has launched a major offensive against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists who recently...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
‘Ditch double standards!’ Russia seeks united anti-ISIS front after Palmyra massacre
from RT.com: Moscow has condemned the massacre of civilians in the ancient city of Palmyra, urging the international...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Educate Yourself: Raytheon & Boeing supply ISIS!
from SI | STOP-Imperialism.com: Documentary on how US supplies ISIS militants with deadly modern weaponry, courtesy of Raytheon
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
Washington’s Hidden Agenda: Restore the Drug Trade by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research.ca: In 2014 the Afghan opium...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
New Evidence US Backed ISIS
from RonPaulLibertyReport: Recently a lawsuit forced the Defense Intelligence Agency to release a 2012 assessment which concluded that US...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
How Democratic & Republican Party Chiefs Work to Deceive the U.S. Public
So: contrary to the Republican Party’s campaign to condemn the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
Important statement of the commanding officers of Mozgovoi’s “Prizrak” Brigade
from The Saker.is: Dear friends, Thanks to the amazing work of my brother in arms Tatzhit Mikhailovich who...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
Washington Confesses to Backing “Questionable Actors” in Syria
by Tony Cartalucci, NEO.org: Taking advantage of a Syrian military stretched thin to protect everywhere at the same...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
Breaking: The Delta “Deception” Raid On Syria
End Times Lunatic Genius, US General, Spirited Out of Syria by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today.com: Confirmed reports tell...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
Ukraine’s Ten saboteurs claim responsible for murder of LPR commander
from Tass.ru: Earlier, Mozgovoi had survived several attempts on his life. After the last attempt in late March,...