The Phaser | May 27, 2015
Evacuation Plans of the Polish Government: What For?
by Konrad Stachnio, NEO: For some unspecified reason, the Polish government recently performs many movements which suggest that...
The Phaser | May 27, 2015
WW3- Middle East Update.
from Press TV: Putin: ISIL rise provoked by outside interference The Russian president says there was no terrorism...
The Phaser | May 27, 2015
Saudis angry over not being able to defeat Yemen: Analyst
ISIL is taking advantage of the chaos created by the Saudi-Yemen war to launch major attacks is SA...
The Phaser | May 27, 2015
Alexei Mozgovoi: Casualty of War or Contract Hit?
by Seth Ferris, Neo: The recent addition of Alexei Mozgovoi of the “Prizrak”(Ghost) battalion to the body count...
The Phaser | May 27, 2015
Cavusoglu: US Agrees to Air War on Assad
[Editor’s note: It would appear that as the US is at cross purposes with itself, so Turkey is...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Senior NATO Official Claims We’ll Be at War by Summer
by Joshua Krause, The Daily Sheeple, via The Daily Coin.com: Last week, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Nuclear Weapons: Making Us Feel Secure by “Threatening Armageddon”
“We prepare for our extinction in order to assure our survival” – Jonathan Schell (American author) by Jim...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Tsarnev Sentenced to Death: One To Be Executed While Others Get Weapons and Training
“The US government is going to execute one man who has been accused of a horrific act of terrorism,...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Updates: Syria And Iraq War Against ISIL- funded by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar. Supported by Jordan, Israel and the US.
Iraqi army captures 200 ISIL members in Anbar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrGjm6fHKnI Lebanese Hezbollah takes more hills in Qalamoun from...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
There can be no “peace” with Ukronazi freaks
from The Saker.is: One of the many ways the Chechen Wahabis made money was to cut off the...