The Phaser | May 30, 2016
VACCINES DANGERS: Mercury Toxicity Expert Dr. Chris Shade
from TheHealthRanger: VIDEO: In this eye-opening interview, mercury toxicity expert Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific explains the little-known truth about...
The Phaser | May 26, 2016
IMPORTANT Facts About Vaccines Everyone Should Know
from Natalie Renee Steffen: VIDEO: Truth. When it comes to vaccines, you need to get informed. Here are some IMPORTANT...
The Phaser | May 26, 2016
Vaccines: The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction
from TruthTube1111: VIDEO: Dr.Rebecca Carley. ADVERSE REACTIONS to immunizations are more common than many people realize. Please visit her website:...
The Phaser | May 26, 2016
Vaccination: The Hidden Truth — Australian Documentary
from INVESTIGATE B4 U DISCRIMINATE: VIDEO: Do vaccinations cause more childhood diseases than they prevent? If you have small children...
The Phaser | May 23, 2016
The MUST HEAR Truth About Vaccinations
from Learn the, via Noah Neo: VIDEO: The United States has more vaccines on the childhood schedule than...
The Phaser | May 23, 2016
The Horrible Truth About Vaccines — Greg Wyatt
from VIDEO: Greg Wyatt is a human rights activist, a founder of the vaccine truth movement and the...
The Phaser | May 22, 2016
FLASHBACK MUST-HEAR TRUTH: Zionism, Polio & Vaccinations
from The French Connection, via TheRapeOfJustice: VIDEO: Jennifer Lake with Daryl Bradford Smith, November 2, 2008. Related: Jennifer Lake &...
The Phaser | May 14, 2016
IBM CLAIMS CREATION OF ZIKA VIRUS VACCINE: Bioengineering & Nanotechnology
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: Headline reads, “IBM Announces Magic Bullet To Zap All Kinds of Killer Viruses.” The claim is that...
The Phaser | May 3, 2016
Exposing Big Pharma’s Vaccine Agenda & Vaccine Injury
from Pitchfork Radio: VIDEO: Guest: Wendy Callahan of joins us for updates on the agenda, how the movie Vaxxed...
The Phaser | May 3, 2016
from AutismNewsDotCom: VIDEO: My son Weston was one of the 4800 test cases in the Omnibus proceedings. All 4800 cases...