The Phaser | June 4, 2015
The BBC’s Cover-Up of The Truth on 9/11
by Peter Drew, Global Research: The true events of 9/11 have been systematically withheld from the public and...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
Feds Sanitize Vaccine Injury Reporting BIG Time
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post: June 1st, 2015, I published “UK’s Independent Newspaper Blows Lid Off Vaccine Damages”...
The Phaser | June 1, 2015
‘UK shy of enough land to lock up all
from Press TV: Britain’s child protection chief says the UK does not have enough land to build prisons...
The Phaser | May 31, 2015
FINALLY: UK’s Independent Newspaper Blows Lid Off Vaccine Damages
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post: Finally it’s happened! A member of the mainstream press has the intestinal...
The Phaser | May 31, 2015
Towards a Militarized Police State in America? Explosive New Revelations over “Jade Helm 15 Exercise” and Potential False Flags
by Joachim Hagopian, Global Research: A growing segment of the American population is waking up to the implications...
The Phaser | May 30, 2015
Israel’s Alliance with al-Qaeda
by Asa Winstanley, Global Research: Since January, I have been...
The Phaser | May 27, 2015
Popular Radio Host and Guest Censored by Radio Station Over Vaccines
by Heather Callaghan, Activist Post: Gary Null has been a popular, longtime radio host with the longest running...
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
Corporate Media Doublethink and the Bush-PNAC-9/11-Iraq Connection
by Prof. James F. Tracy, Global Research.ca: “Doublethink,” George Orwell famously remarked, “means the power of holding two contradictory...
The Phaser | May 23, 2015
Proven: American vaccines cause permanent brain damage
from Russia-Insider, The Daily Coin.com: New research on vaccines quality has been recently conducted. The American scientists proved...
The Phaser | May 23, 2015
Senator Explodes When Questioned About His Vaccine Bill
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post.com: By now, vaccine skeptics are generally familiar with the faces of Congressmen who...