The Phaser | June 10, 2016
Gun Grabbing Federal Courts At It Again: You Have NO RIGHT To Carry
from PastorDowell: VIDEO: This 9th circuit court of appeals just ruled two years ago, you have the right to carry...
The Phaser | June 10, 2016
Gunpocalypse California Kills The 2nd Amendment In One Day
from The Daily Shooter: VIDEO: California legislators passed 10 new anti gun bills in one day. Some of which were...
The Phaser | June 6, 2016
Hillary Clinton Hates The Constitution & Will Try To Repeal It
from David Vose: VIDEO: The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of individuals to keep...
The Phaser | June 5, 2016
Hillary Refuses To Say 2nd Amendment Is a Constitutional Right
from TRUTHstreammedia: VIDEO: Hillary Refuses Say 2nd Amendment Is a Constitutional Right
The Phaser | May 28, 2016
Daytime Military Drills In Tampa Used To Condition The American People
from X22Report: Daytime Military Drills In Tampa Used To Condition The American People VIDEO: Episode 982b
The Phaser | May 13, 2016
OBAMA INSANITY: Girls To Be Forced to Shower w/ Men in Public Schools
from Mark Dice: Girls Forced to Shower with Men in All Public Schools in America Now – Obama Issues...
The Phaser | May 6, 2016
The Myth of Authority
from Larken Rose: VIDEO: The Myth of Authority (Video Contest Winner) This video, created and submitted by”GeoShifter,” was the...
The Phaser | April 23, 2016
California Seeks To Eliminate All Gun Dealers
from Spiro: VIDEO: Talk about infringing on the Second Amendment! Not only is the State of California targeting honest gun...
The Phaser | March 13, 2016
MONSTER-IN-CHIEF: Obama’s New Law Can Put Everyone In Jail
from WeAreChange: VIDEO: In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the biggest legal change in privacy law that will have a...
The Phaser | March 10, 2016
Micro Drone Takeover !!!
from mike morales: VIDEO: The Pentagon will soon be bringing the war TO YOU. That’s why they call it...