The Phaser | April 15, 2016
The Central Park – 9/11 BA’AL Arch Way Observation
from MrCati: VIDEO: This report updates and discusses recent ritual observations, made regarding Central Park, Manhattan, NY, as part of...
The Phaser | April 14, 2016
David Icke – The Royal Families
from Enlightened: VIDEO: David speaks the truth.
The Phaser | April 11, 2016
One World Religion Emerges – 1,000 BA’AL TEMPLES & SO MUCH MORE
from Jason A: VIDEO: One World Religion Emerges – 1,000 BA’AL TEMPLES & SO MUCH MORE
The Phaser | April 10, 2016
What The Ba’al Satanic Temples Are REALLY Telling Us!
from TheScariestMovieEver: VIDEO: What you need to know about the Baʻal Temples…. The MOST Significant SIGN Of Americaʻs Destruction Is...
The Phaser | April 9, 2016
The Illuminati Gates Of Baal To Open A Portal For Demonic Forces
from The Kev Baker Show: To Baal and back. The Gates of Hell will be opened by the forces...
The Phaser | April 4, 2016
Blatant Lucifer Worship in Our Culture Exposed
from Godrules: VIDEO: Roger Morneau A Trip Into The Supernatural…
The Phaser | April 4, 2016
“Demons” on Camera: Strange Attacks Happening Worldwide (2016)
from Jason A: VIDEO: WHAT IS GOING ON? strange attacks, demon possession & world news bible prophecy
The Phaser | April 3, 2016
666 Rising As CERN Prepares To Open The Illuminati Gates Of Baal
from The Kev Baker Show: VIDEO: Well, it’s that time again, the season of CERN is upon us, and perhaps...
The Phaser | April 3, 2016
Hell’s Gates To Be Opened: UN Creating Satanic Portals To Open Globally 2016
from Lyn Leahz: VIDEO: This is shocking news, almost unbelievable! However, unfortunately, it is very true! America is headed down...
The Phaser | April 2, 2016
THE CERN KEY: Opening The Gates Of Hell
from The Kev Baker Show: CERN Connections To Baal, Black Goo & Digital DNA – Welcome To The BEAST!...