The Phaser | July 6, 2015
SAVING AMERICA: Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention
from TheJohnBirchSociety: What’s the best way to rein in our out-of-control federal government? Watch this 4-minute video for...
The Phaser | July 1, 2015
The Birth of the New Russia — William Engdahl
from Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute: A discussion with risk consultant, geopolitical expert and best-selling author William Engdahl regarding his...
The Phaser | June 21, 2015
NWO PUPPETS: Jeb Awarded Hillary With ‘Liberty Medal’ In 2013
…Now Says She Failed As Secretary Of State by Rachel Blevins, Truth In Media: Nearly two years after Jeb...
The Phaser | June 21, 2015
10 Ways Hillary & Jeb Are Basically the Same Candidate
by Jake Anderson, TheAnti-Media.org: Now that Jeb Bush has officially announced his intention to run for president in...
The Phaser | June 19, 2015
from David Icke: David Icke Videocast: The Tide Is Turning. The words conspiracy theorists are being heard more...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
‘Clinton family – corporate capitalism brought to politics’
from RT: Even if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential race and upholds to her promises, there’ll still be...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
Enter Jeb and Hil
by James Howard Kunstler: The Floridian clod seeking to don the mantle of Millard Fillmore made an amazing...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
The Two Contending Visions of World Government
The Origin & Broader Context of Obama’s ‘Trade’ Deals by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s Blog: U.S. President Barack Obama’s...
The Phaser | June 13, 2015
Charlie Daniels Just Wrote Another ‘Hit’ – A Scorching Open Letter To ‘Lying,’ ‘Petulant’ Obama
“Mr. President, it seems to me that you have little faith in American ingenuity, American capability, American exceptionalism...
The Phaser | June 13, 2015
David Cameron does standup comedy at G7 – on corruption
Cameron represents a country where money laundering and scams are rampant by Jim Dean, Veterans Today: …with...