The Phaser | November 2, 2016
Anonymous: Last And Only Hope. America You Have Been Warned.
from Anonymous: Anonymous: Last And Only Hope. America You Have Been Warned. VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN6tcFKNx6A
The Phaser | November 2, 2016
NOOSE Tightening Around Hillary’s Neck? [Penalty For TREASON is DEATH]
from theJonathanKleck; NOOSES Around the Neck?? Really Hillary VIDEO: DONATE: Pay Pal jk@jonathankleck.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z43h2cl2dKY
The Phaser | November 1, 2016
Trey Gowdy on FBI Finding 650,000 Clinton Emails on Huma’s Computer
from Fox News via, World News Daily; Trey Gowdy on FBI Finding 650,000 Clinton Emails – Trey Gowdy Interview –...
The Phaser | November 1, 2016
Hillary Clinton: Why She Can’t Think — Dr. Ted Noel
from Webtech Vidzette: Hillary Clinton – Why She Can’t Think VIDEO:
The Phaser | November 1, 2016
from samuel ezerzer: Pandemonium at INFOWARS ‘”PROOF OF NATIONWIDE ELECTION FRAUD” VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLyUPGyYNOo MUST WATCH RELATED: How Hillary WILL...
The Phaser | October 31, 2016
Comey Did NOTHING WRONG in Notifying Congress of New Emails on Weiner’s Computer
from Styxhexenhammer666: Comey Did Nothing Wrong in Notifying Congress of the New Emails on Weiner’s Computer VIDEO: He waited...
The Phaser | October 31, 2016
Clinton Crime Cartel Collapsing Thanks to Weiner the Perv
from Lionel Nation; The Clinton Crime Cartel Collapses Thanks to Weiner the Perv VIDEO: Lionel’s reviews Weinergate II and...
The Phaser | October 30, 2016
Americans Are Now Turning on the Treasonous Mainstream CIA Media
from Red Ice Radio: Mainstream Media Squirming For Being Called Out On Their Decades of Lie VIDEO: Journalists are...
The Phaser | October 30, 2016
Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe Shines Light of Truth on Clinton CRIMES
from Tomi Lahren Official: Project Veritas Action Founder James O’Keefe brings you more Hillary shockers. VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRe43EW8RBI
The Phaser | October 30, 2016
Social Media Clinton Crimes BLACKOUT! Systemic Corruption EXPOSED
from Fox News, via ProjectClarity: Loretta Lynch Screwed Herself! Social Media Blackout! Corruption Extends To Obama! VIDEO: Thousands of...