The Phaser | November 17, 2016
WATCH: Crazies Who Have No Issues With Hillary’s Perjury & Treason
from MRCTV .org: WATCH: The Biggest Media Meltdowns to Trump’s Win VIDEO: NOTE: It’s not as though Trump defeated...
The Phaser | November 17, 2016
Trump Victory: Impact on America & Europe
from Red Ice Radio: Guillaume Durocher – Trump Victory: Impact on America & Europe VIDEO: Guillaume Durocher is a...
The Phaser | November 16, 2016
Hillary Supporter Blames Bill Burr For Trump’s Victory
from TheWishmaster: Hillary Supporter Blames Bill Burr For Trump’s Victory VIDEO: Apparently Bill Burr is responsible for Trump’s Victory....
The Phaser | November 14, 2016
#NotMyPresident? Take the #ClintonPledge!
from corbettreport: #NotMyPresident? Take the #ClintonPledge! VIDEO: SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20438 Do you have the sinking feeling that democracy is...
The Phaser | November 14, 2016
Anti-Trump Riots, Left-Coast Secession, and Katy Perry
from ThePatriotNurse: Anti-Trump Riots, Left-Coast Secession, and Katy Perry VIDEO: The Donald won, and now the tolerant and peaceful...
The Phaser | November 14, 2016
TRUMP TROJAN HORSE? — Darryl Robert Schoon
from SGTreport.com: TRUMP TROJAN HORSE? — Darryl Robert Schoon VIDEO: Now that Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the...
The Phaser | November 14, 2016
Ron Paul: “Donald Trump Won’t Yield To The DEEP STATE”
from RonPaulCC2012: “Donald Trump Won’t Yield To The DEEP STATE” — Ron Paul VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjvzA0AHGd4 RELATED: Trump Delivers: Kills...
The Phaser | November 13, 2016
DEAR LIBERAL FRIENDS: We need to talk about President Trump…
from Carey Wedler: DEAR LIBERAL FRIENDS: We need to talk about President Trump… VIDEO: From a former liberal to...
The Phaser | November 13, 2016
JULIAN ASSANGE PARDON – Giuliani Cites WikiLeaks to Prosecute Clinton
from H. A. Goodman: JULIAN ASSANGE PARDON BREAKING NEWS: Giuliani Cites WikiLeaks to Prosecute Clinton Under Trump VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xQkccU_0zw...
The Phaser | November 13, 2016
President Trump
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXnc2unP3Gs