The Phaser | July 15, 2015
APOCALYPSE RISING: New Hollywood Trailers, Pope Francis, The Temple Institute
from FaceLikeTheSun: The Apocalypse hit the top 4 trending subjects over the weekend with the X-Men Apocalypse trailer,...
The Phaser | July 14, 2015
The Israel-Palestine Conflict Exposed – Eric Jon Phelps
from WeAreONEbigFamily is Back: The manufactured, New World Order Israel-Palestine Conflict Exposed
The Phaser | July 11, 2015
The Biggest Lie The Devil Ever Told? (2015)
from TheScariestMovieEver: Pleiadian propaganda, alien anti-christ, media manipulation, Illuminati lies and historical deceptions explored. In this video, I...
The Phaser | July 10, 2015
Illuminati Expert: Demons Prepping Humanity For Fake Alien Invasion
from Pete Santilli Show: Pete Santilli and Fritz Springmeier discuss the advancement of the New World Order, now...
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
Rihanna: ‘Better Have My Money’ [ILLUMINATI SATANISM EXPOSED]
from The Vigilant Christian: Rihanna just released her official music video for B$#@% Better Have My Money and...
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
BET Awards 2015 Illuminati Exposed
from Mark Dice: A breakdown of the Illuminati symbolism and secrets of the 2015 BET Awards show, featuring...
The Phaser | June 25, 2015
CERN Decoded: Worm Holes, Time Travel & Alien Deception
from Nephtali1981: A Christian perspective on what the madmen have been up to for decades, at CERN. Interstellar...
The Phaser | June 24, 2015
CERN: Saturn, Interdimensional Portals & Occult Science
Interview with Anthony Patch begins at 3:30. from The Higherside Chats: Anthony Patch | CERN: The Portal To Saturn,...