Geo Watch
The Phaser | April 9, 2017
This Will Scare You The Illuminati DESTROY Mother Nature In Front Of You
from 3CreepyTV: This Will Scare You The Illuminati DESTROY Mother Nature In Front Of You VIDEO:
The Phaser | April 6, 2017
5 Things We Know about Earth’s weakening magnetic sphere #Poleshift
from The Outer Dark: 5 Things We Know about Earth’s weakening magnetic sphere #Poleshift #NWO VIDEO: Recently a geophysicists...
The Phaser | March 27, 2017
MILLIONS Will Die as Magnetic Field Weakens — Ben Davidson
from Rachael L. McIntosh: Ben Davidson : MILLIONS Will Die as Magnetic Field Weakens VIDEO: Ben Davidson joined us...
The Phaser | March 27, 2017
Dare to Prepare – Surviving the Weather Wars!
from GenSix Productions: Dare to Prepare – Surviving the Weather Wars! VIDEO: Q-CAST: March 13, 2017. Dare to Prepare...
The Phaser | March 20, 2017
Earth Has Tilted, The Moon’s Orbital Path Has Changed
from Skywatch Media News: Earth has Tilted, Moons Orbital Path has Changed Mystery of the Floating Planet VIDEO: In...
The Phaser | March 9, 2017
Antarctic Continent is Splitting in Half, Ancient Secrets To Be Revealed?
from Skywatch Media News: Antarctic Continent is Splitting in Half- Strange Events Detected Worldwide VIDEO:
The Phaser | March 6, 2017
ELE: Earth’s Core Temp Rising, Antarctica Melts – Fukushima Nightmare
from Leak Project: ELE Possible – Antarctica Melting Linked to Earths Core Temp Rising from Nuclear Fallout VIDEO:
The Phaser | March 6, 2017
JASON A: Our Planet is Changing… In Bad Ways
from Jason A: You Won’t Believe this Shocking Video… (2017-2018 EVENTS) VIDEO:
The Phaser | February 26, 2017
HAARP Cranking Up After 3 Years/Creating Strange Glows/Plasma Balls/Mt Redoubt
from BPEarthWatch: HAARP/Cranking Up after 3 Years/Creating Strange Glows/Plasma Balls/Mt Redoubt VIDEO: Why Now?…
The Phaser | February 20, 2017
GEO WATCH: Oroville Dam = False Flag?
from RoadtoRoota: Oroville Dam = False Flag? (Bix Weir of RoadtoRoota) VIDEO: Live from the Greenhouse! Bix Weir explains...