Geo Watch
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Independent Media and the Cultural Revolution at Zeitgeist Day
by Abby Martin, Media One human family living on one organism. Yet man is embroiled in a war...
The Phaser | March 28, 2015
Bill Nye: ‘We need carbon tax to redistribute wealth…need gov’t to run things…everyone else should shut up’
from Activist Bill Nye The Science Guy gave a speech showing him to be the latest cheerleader...
The Phaser | March 27, 2015
What Lies Beneath
by Scott C Johnson, As a kid in the 1960s, Jeff Held thought that having a nuclear...
The Phaser | March 24, 2015
Primary Water EXPLAINED – Why We DO NOT Have a Water Shortage
Primary Water EXPLAINED – Why We DO NOT Have a Water Shortage Learn more at Primary
The Phaser | March 23, 2015
Japanese Tea Tests Positive For Fukushima Radiation
by John Vibes, Activist A package of powdered tea that was imported into Hong Kong from Japan tested positive...
The Phaser | March 22, 2015
Drowning in Garbage — Some Creative Solutions
by Janet Phelan, Along with generally unstable governments and economic woes, the developing world has another, somewhat...
The Phaser | March 17, 2015
General Mills Sued for Dumping 15,000 Gallons of Cancer Chemicals into Air and Water
by Christina Sarich, via Global Unlike Pepsi Co, which recently got let loose from a class action lawsuit concerning...
The Phaser | March 12, 2015
Overwhelming Control Mechanisms: Life in the USA
by Catherine J. Frompovich, via Activist The information at the beginning of this article and within the...
The Phaser | March 7, 2015
Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades
by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton, via Global Unearthed articles from the 1960s detail how nuclear waste was...