The Phaser | November 11, 2016
CNN Caught Hoaxing The Narrative Of President Trump Protests
from WeAreChange: CNN Caught Red Handed Hoaxing The Narrative Of President Donald Trump Protests VIDEO: Luke Rudkowski talks about...
The Phaser | October 18, 2016
WIKILEAKS: NBC News Mockingbird Chuck Todd HOSTED PARTY For Clinton Campaign
from H. A. Goodman: WIKILEAKS 10 EMAILS: NBC News Meet The Press Chuck Todd Hosted Dinner Party For Clinton...
The Phaser | October 17, 2016
Wikileaks & Journalist Arrest/ Oil Protest Facing Facing Felony Conspiracy
from Sane Progressive: Wikileaks & Journalist Arrest/ Oil Protest Facing Facing Felony Conspiracy VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0_oQw4RZeo Sane Progressive discussion(from fb)...
The Phaser | September 14, 2016
Yes, Mainstream Media Bias is Getting Ridiculous… But Why?
from corbettreport: VIDEO: SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19879 Have you noticed how over-the-top ridiculous the mainstream propaganda is getting...
The Phaser | August 28, 2016
from Fox News, via David Vose: VIDEO: It is gonna take a big one to bring her down. Murder...
The Phaser | August 24, 2016
Bribery Gone Wild @ Clinton State Dept
from Bill Still; Bribery Gone Wild @ Clinton State Dept VIDEO: Good morning, I’m still reporting on the Clintons....
The Phaser | August 20, 2016
Carl Bernstein on Clinton’s ‘dishonesty factor’ & Clinton Foundation Issues
from CNN, via Washington Free Beacon; Bernstein slams Clinton’s ‘dishonesty factor,’ Clinton Foundation limiting donations ‘long overdue’ VIDEO: The...
The Phaser | August 16, 2016
DNC Insider: Clinton Being Pounded in Polls – Don’t Believe Mainstream Media!
from Right Wing Conspirator; DNC Insider: Clinton Being Pounded in Polls – Don’t Believe Mainstream Media! VIDEO: LINK TO...
The Phaser | August 13, 2016
Clinton Foundation & Crooked Hillary in MORE TROUBLE — Charles Ortel
from WallStForMainSt: VIDEO: Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, successful value investor, accounting expert...
The Phaser | August 11, 2016
Revealed! Hitler Youth Camp Deep In the Swedish Forest
from Red Ice Radio; VIDEO: This is an excerpt from the seventh episode of Weekend Warrior, a live show...