The Phaser | July 7, 2015
Criminal Central Bankers Push For BAIL-INS In Greece
from X22 Report: Episode 709
The Phaser | July 5, 2015
CRIMINAL Banks Plan to END World Financial Regulations
from DAHBOO777: It’s almost impossible to keep anything secret these days – not even the core text of...
The Phaser | July 2, 2015
Greek Depositors Might Be Next To Be Cypress-ed
from X22 Report: Episode 706
The Phaser | July 1, 2015
The Network of Global Corporate Control — Karen Hudes
from Karen Hudes: DCTV Series Live Segments on Karen’s June 1 testimony to DC Board of Ethics and...
The Phaser | June 30, 2015
Some Greeks Blame Rothschild-led Zionist Conspiracy For Crisis
by Mike Bird, Business Insider: ATHENS, GREECE — I landed in Greece late yesterday evening and went out...
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
Oh, POOR BABY: EU Chief Feels ‘Betrayed’ By Greece
from BBC: he European Commission chief, Jean-Claude Juncker, has said he feels “betrayed” by the “egotism” shown by...
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
A Freemason Revealed The Greek Plot in 2008
Greece was chosen to play the role of the European Union bankrupt member state in order to “create”...
The Phaser | June 29, 2015
We Are All Greeks!
Europe Only Has a Future With the New Silk Road by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, LaRouche PAC: Dear Citizens! It’s...
The Phaser | June 27, 2015
America Falls: Conquered By Criminal International Banks
from SGT Originally released in February 2010, this SGT micro doc re-release [Part 1 of 2 in...
The Phaser | June 22, 2015
ABSURD! Check Out This Bank’s “Solution” for Greece’ Debt Problem!
from The Wealth Watchman: As things continue to spiral in Greece, markets have begun to really take notice...