All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | February 21, 2015
from SGT In this episode with Miles Franklin’s Andy Hoffman we document the collapse as it spreads...
The Phaser | February 21, 2015
Is Spiritual Science the Answer to Solving the Mysteries of Reality?
by Pao L. Chang, Waking Since the day we were born, we have been conditioned to think...
The Phaser | February 21, 2015
U.S. Gov’t & Central Bankers Prepare For Offensive In Mosul, Iraq
from X22 Report: Episode 597
The Phaser | February 21, 2015
How Hillary Lobbied For Mega Corporations as Secretary of State
by Michael Krieger, Liberty That approach, which Mrs. Clinton called “economic statecraft,” emerged in discussions with Robert...
The Phaser | February 20, 2015
Germany’s $62 TRILLION Problem: Deutsche Bank
“At this hour all worldwide bank derivatives, which are trillions of dollars in debt, are tied to Deutsche...
The Phaser | February 20, 2015
Since 9/11 the U.S. Has Been in More Than 5 Wars… ALL DISASTERS
by Washingtons’ Blog, via Global Research: Why Does America Keep “Losing” Its Wars? Below, we demonstrate that the...
The Phaser | February 20, 2015
EPIC DEAL: Russia Ratifies $100 BILLION BRICS Development Bank
from 21st Century This is a step in a series of moves that is sure to have...
The Phaser | February 20, 2015
Is Russia Ready to Neutralize the Bankers’ Nuclear Option?
from: The Wealth This week we take a razor sharp look at the checkered and troubled past of...
The Phaser | February 19, 2015
Hyperinflation To Start in 2015
Top Economist Says Get Supplies : “Gold, Silver, Canned Goods, Toilet Paper, Bottled Water…” from SHTF Plan: It’s...
The Phaser | February 19, 2015
Google Chairman on Obsolete Man: ‘The Internet Will Soon Be Part of You’
from Truthstream Media: While sitting on a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland recently, Google...