All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
US Citizens Illegally Detained at “Internal Border Checkpoint”
from Truthstreammedia, via SGT We live in such a ridiculous, tyrannical, totalitarian police state. After visiting Big...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Profiting From War Has Never Been So Easy!
by James Corbett, The Corbett In my various interviews, speeches, q&a sessions and other public interactions, there’s...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
CrossTalk: Putin’s 15 Years
from Cross Talk: Fifteen years ago Vladimir Putin assumed the Russian presidency and no one can doubt that...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Varoufakis Issues Statement On “Anarchist” Attack
by Tyler Durden, Zero Following the previous report that during dinner yesterday Yanis Varoufakis, whose political position...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Chernobyl forest fires may result in large scale re-release of radiation
from The forest fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone may re-disperse a significant amount of original radiation...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Nuclear Special Forces: Only BRICS Countries Will Survive
from The Foreword by the Saker: Today I am posting an article with great reluctance but with...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Syria, Iraq turned into ‘international finishing school for extremists’
My country and its allies have created a monster much more deadly than Mr. Frankenstein by Jim W...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Nick Barisheff – Global Monetary Reset Is Coming Very Soon
by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network, via The Daily Nick Barisheff author of Gold $10,000 joined us...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
The operation called “manufactured consensus”
by John Rappoport, Activist This operation has various stages. It can be applied to issues like vaccination,...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Ukraine: Truth Has Been Murdered
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global The Obama regime and its neocon monsters and European vassals have...