All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
Damascus, the Anti-Christ and Armageddon
By Katherine Frisk: As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, often the interpretation of a text is...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
A Shopping & Eating Guide to Non-GMO Foods
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist A dear friend gifted me with a sweatshirt that said, “GMO OMG...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
‘The Economist’ Anti-Gold Article – Case Study in Disinformation
from Zero ‘The Economist’ Anti-Gold Article – Case Study in Disinformation ‘The Economist’ publishes unbalanced and misleading...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
Reports Suggest That Turkey, GCC/Arab League Are Preparing To Invade Syria
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Reports are now filtering in that preparations for a direct military assault on...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
Syria: Any Turkish Aggression Means All-Out War!
“The obnoxious, boastful, and sectarian Urdogan government fortune will be the same as that of former Egyptian President...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
War Crimes in Iraq: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Et Al and the Long Quest for Justice
by Steven Jones, Global San Francisco attorney Inder Comar didn’t initially strike me as a human rights...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
Neoconservatives waging ‘war of deception’ against Americans
Neocons declared war on Islam – and on America – on 9/11/01 by Kevin Barrett, Press TV, via...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
A Powerful Weapon of Financial Warfare
By Nick Giambruno, Activist Post, via The Daily It’s an amazingly powerful weapon that only the US...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
Australian PM Top Advisor: Climate Change “About a New World Order Under the Control of the UN”
by Melissa Dykes, Activist This is the kind of quote that would have made big headlines half...
The Phaser | May 9, 2015
The Mideast’s S-U-N-N-I Problem
by Sharmine Narwani, This needs to be spelled out: The biggest threat to Middle East stability today...