All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
Targeted Genocide & Turning Earth into a NWO Prison
from Alfred Lambremont Webre: Leuren Moret: How to avoid Jesuits, U.S. & Russian mind control from turning America...
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
There Will Be a NEW WORLD Monday Morning!
from SilverDoctors: Guest: Alasdair Macleod on Greece, the EU, the Dollar & precious metals
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
California Leads The Way Into TOTAL TYRANNY!
from ExperimentalVaccines: California Law Passes Turning Children Into Bioweapons – SB-277 MANDATORY Vaccinations Bill signed into law by...
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
Rihanna: ‘Better Have My Money’ [ILLUMINATI SATANISM EXPOSED]
from The Vigilant Christian: Rihanna just released her official music video for B$#@% Better Have My Money and...
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
What Do The Bible Codes Say About 2015 & 2016?
from Renee M: What do the Bible Codes say about the years 2015 & 2016? Please click HERE...
The Phaser | July 4, 2015
‘Independence’ Day 2015: Time For Celebration… or Sadness?
from RonPaulLibertyReport: As we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from England, have we lost the spirit that drove...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
Our Bleak NWO Future: Humans Need Not Apply
from CGP Grey: The future for mankind will be quite bleak if the New World Order powers get...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
Is NASA Involved in the Plan To Usher in A New World Order?
from Alltime Conspiracies: In the 1990s, journalist Serge Monast revealed what he claimed to be NASA’s ultimate goal...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
FALSE FLAG ALERT: FEDS Warn of “Perfect Storm” on July 4th
from Zen Gardner: They’re drooling over this one. All the scenarios they’ve been working on converge very neatly...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
MUST HEAR: Stewart Rhodes At NY Oath Keepers Awards Dinner
from Mert Melfa: FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF OATH KEEPERS. at First Annual Oath Keepers Awards Dinner: Albany, NY...