ALERT: ‘Climate Dictatorship’ At Hand – Michael Murphy & Jolie Diane
from Sage of Quay, via The Power Is In You:
Michael Murphy – Jolie Diane “URGENT” GEOENGINEERING Call To Action Dec 2015
VIDEO: COP21 and the agenda to enslave humanity through climate dictatorship.
Coalition Against Geoengineering activists Michael Murphy and Jolie Diane connected with me this afternoon to bring exceptional news to the table regarding the battle to stop the on-going Geoengineering programs and to halt the legalization of geo-engineering via the COP21 Paris Climate Conference currently underway in France.
Jolie’s perseverance to meet with both California and Washington DC legislatures to explain how the COP21 Climate Agreement will usurp the power of State and Federal law makers has caught the attention of many Senators and Representatives who are now taking the issue far more seriously than in the past.
The conversation that follows is a Call To Action for everyone to call their Senator and Representative to voice their concern and position that any documents signed in Paris attempting the bind the US or any State to legalized geoengineering is unacceptable.
To contact Congress and speak with your Congressperson call toll free at 1-866-220-0044 and request to speak to the person responsible for Environmental and Climate Change Issues for your law maker. If you are unsure of your Congressperson you can enter your Zip Code and be routed accordingly.
We begin the conversation Michael explaining how Jolie’s efforts have opened up a door of opportunity that until now has been very elusive.