False Flag
9/11 Was An Occult Ritual, Time Anomalies & Glitches In The Matrix
from DTRHRadioArchives:
Join Popeye, Joe Joseph, Martin Hardy & Kev as they open up the show by having a round table discussion on some of the events that unfolded that fateful day all those years ago, and how they have shaped the world in which we now live. We throw around some ideas and have a laugh about some of the crazier aspects of not only the official narrative, but the conspiracy theories too.
Then we are joined by the one and only Rebekah Roth who is currently doing endless hours of radio on the subject of 9/11 due to the release of her second book Methodical Deception, and this lady never disappoints! We start to get into some of the stranger aspects surrounding that day. Rebekah talks about the new information she is still uncovering to this day.
Then we go to two of the pre-eminent researchers on the occult in firstly Fritz Springmeier, followed by the truly brilliant Mark Passio. Fritz lays out the ritualistic ceremonial side to the sites chosen that day, the towers and the pentagon, and he shows the numerology encoded into the latter of the two. We have included his full presentation below and urge you take the time to watch that and take notes as it needs to viewed in its entirety for it to make more sense.
Popeye has been lucky enough to interview Mark Passio and plays a clip that demonstrates more of the occult aspects to what went down that day.
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any stranger, we are joined by the brilliant Aaron & Melissa dykes to talk about the truly head scratching glitches that are making us question the very fabric of time and reality, even having us questioning our own memories and sanity!
In the USA there was something called the Berenstein Bears, and most if not all of Americans 25 or over will know exactly what im talking about. Turn’s out that they are not in fact called BerenSTEIN at all! Something strange has happened as there are millions of people that strictly remember it as STEIN at the end, but turns out, get this, they are called BerenSTAIN Bears, and whats more confusing is that they claim they always were!!! Well, Melissa and Aaron have just come across this “glitch” along with others! This really does have people scratching their heads and questioning things they thought they always knew!!
Many theories exist as to why this has occurred; theories such as The Mandela Effect and other general ‘time shifts’ spearhead the controversy, yet no-one can exactly pin-point it.
In fact, this issue has existed for quite some time. Maybe not with as much light as today, but decades ago, the show was commonly misspelled as BerenstEin in external documents; newspaper clippings, television schedules and posters alike. Of course, this does not explain why so many people remember it as being with an E, and remember it with such passion and certainty.
This leads us into the typical Freaky Friday discussion that has made the show so popular with the listeners out there.