Report from The War Front: Ukraine, Yemen and Iraq
by South Front, Global Research:
An unknown group attacked the company “Roshen” building in Kiev with a grenade launcher last night. There are no casualties, building is damaged. The owner of the company is the President Petro Poroshenko. We remember, so-called “democratic” leader of Ukraine didn’t and doesn’t want to sell his business despite the law prohibiting Ukrainian president has a business. In this case, Poroshenko isn’t the president, but one of the most powerful oligarch in Ukraine.
When Petro is trying to find authors of attack on his business, Ukrainian Premier Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is continually smashing Minsk Agreements. On May 28, the official stated that Kiev government is ready to talk with People’s Republics only if their representatives will be jailed. This statement is one more observable evidence of Kiev’s unwil to solve the conflict in peaceful approach.
US-backed Saudi’s airforces killed at least 80 people, most of them civilians, near Yemen’s border with Saudi Arabia and in the capital Sana’a on Wednesday, residents said, the deadliest day of bombing in over two months of war in Yemen. The deadly airstrikes have escalated hard border clashes between the Shi’ite Muslim rebels and the coalition of Sunni Muslim Gulf Arab states.
Twin car bomb attacks targated the Babylon Hotel and Ishtar hotels in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad on Thursday. Reports said 15 people were killed and 27 others were wounded in the explosions. No group or individual has claimed responsibility for the deadly attacks yet, but Iraqi officials often blame such attacks on ISIS terrorists, who seized large swaths of the country during a blitz last year. Iraqi army, along with volunteer forces, is continuing to fightt the Islamic State across the country, especially in the provinces of Anbar and Salahuddin.
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