Royce White: Globalists Like George And Alex Soros Have The Morals Of Drug Dealers

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Royce White: Globalists Like George And Alex Soros Have The Morals Of Drug Dealers


Minnesota Senate candidate Royce White focused his remarks on George Soros and his son, Alex Soros, accusing them of corrupting American politics. White criticized the influence of billionaires like Soros, stating, “There is a crisis in American political culture when a man like this is able to give billions” to influence global and domestic politics. He questioned why the Democratic Party embraces the Soros family, particularly condemning George Soros’ past actions during the Holocaust and his lack of remorse. White remarked that Soros’ moral relativism, comparing the Holocaust to market dynamics, is “crack dealer logic.”

White also highlighted the connections between Alex Soros and prominent Democratic figures like Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, suggesting that Soros is a “cache celebrity” within progressive circles. He emphasized the contrast in media coverage, asserting that the response would be far harsher if conservative figures were photographed with someone like Soros.

He linked Soros’ actions to broader societal decay, blaming a lack of “truth, God, and goodness.” White declared, “George Soros is a thief,” and claimed that such influence leads to corruption and violence across all levels of society.