
Vaxxed, AMC, Censorship & The Not So Obvious Establishment

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from Author Tiffany FitzHenry:

Vaxxed, AMC, Censorship & The Not So Obvious Establishment


Many of you noted that Dr. Shiva was being censored from giving his Q & A after the Vaxxed screening in Boston on Friday – a video circulated of him giving an impromptu talk regarding the issue. Then the film producers contacted him (and all the mothers who shared the video on their personal social media pages) asking that they all pull the videos down. I sat down with Dr. Shiva this morning to discuss what happened and what we can learn from this experience. I don’t have anything against the Vaxxed team or the film – for the record – I think you should see it, but the situation provides an opportunity for an important discussion about power systems and creating true revolutions…