Another photo of Ghislaine Maxwell shows “clear evidence” of photoshop

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from The Outer Light:

“Another photo” of Ghislaine Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger shows “clear evidence” of being photoshopped


Researchers have noted that a largely “unseen” photograph of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffery Epstein’s madam, shows clear evidence of photo manipulation – so clear, that it almost seems like it was purposely made to look fake. The photo in question is another view of Ghislaine Maxwell from a different angle and with glasses removed at In-N-Out Burger in LA, reading “The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives”. The photo shows very clear use of photo manipulation on the seating as well as on Ghislaine Maxwell’s back. The photo manipulation looks clumsily done. There is also signs of Ghislaine Maxwell’s face being manipulated. This is coming after recent news, which I reported on, where Carly Zipp from Outfront Media; a billion dollar company, who owns the advertising space at the billboard in question said the billboard in the background of the most used Ghislaine Maxwell photo had been “Photo-Shopped”, and inserted: ‘We think the poster in the Maxwell picture was photoshopped in.” I go into this as well as some other things in this video. An archive to the Daily Mail article I talk about in this video, which has the photo in question inside it, can be found here: