What If Qanon & The Great Awakening Are Real? Make Up Your OWN Mind!
from James Red Pills America:
COULD IT BE?! What If Q, Qanon & The Great Awakening Are Real? Make Up Your OWN Mind!
MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND WITH THIS FACT-BASED & INFORMATIVE VIDEO! Whether you are a seasoned #Qanon anon, or a newbie to #TheGreatAwakening, or the Q scene, you will NOT want to miss this fantastic three part video series! Do YOU need some great #RedPill Ammunition to #WakeUp your friends, family or loved ones? Then THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU! In this part, we break down the very basics of the QAnon #ConspiracyTheory, as it has been called by many, to include the #FakeNews media. We also include loads of little-known facts that paint a clear picture – making it easier for YOU to decide what level of belief you lend to the Qanon phenomenon. This series does NOT tell you what to think, or how to think, rather, it lays out the plain and simple facts that will allow YOU to make your OWN mind up about the credibility of the hottest political topic to hit the internet – and the world – EVER! But I must warn you: You WILL see and hear facts that WILL make you think again if you’re ‘on the fence’ when it comes to Q. And if you’ve never heard of Qanon or The #GreatAwakening, then grab the popcorn, buckle up and hang on because you’re in for the ride of your life!