Spiritual Warfare
WATCH & THINK: 7 Rockets Hitting… Something.
from VictimOfDeception:
…7 Rockets Hit Dome?
***NOTE: This video has 2.2K LIKES and 799 DISLIKES. I would argue that 799 people cannot THINK for themselves.***
Psalm 19: 1
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
This is a compilation of 7 different rockets that hit “the waters that be” above the firmament & is strong evidence that space is a fictional hoax of Satan, & that the word of God is true.
Arctic Midnight Sun: Proof
Longest Distance Proofs
Keep in mind, the math for a 24,901 mile circumference globe is FIXED. There is no way around this other than intellectual honesty. Perhaps… we have been lied to…?