Something about the Royal Family Tree WE Should All Know

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from Gary Lite:

Something about the Royal Family Tree WE Should All Know


Prince Charles discovered the link to the notorious killer – who is said to have covered a hill, near Brasov, with so many impaled men, it looked like a forest, after he made his first trip to Romania in 1998. It is believed that Queen Mary, consort of George V, Charles’ great grandfather, was related to the 15th Century slayer, and the Prince of Wales certainly seems delighted by the idea. Quote: The genealogy shows, I am descended from Vlad the Impaler, so I do have a bit of a stake in the country,’ he said in a 2011 documentary, on the Carpathian Mountains. In fact, it seems the two share blood through Vlad Dracula’s father, Vlad II Dracul, according to Nick Gombash Hungarian genealogy blog.
