Robert Mueller Defies Judge Sullivan & is NOW in Contempt of Court

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from InspoNews – Federico Intelligence Report:

SHOCKING:Mueller Defies Judge Sullivan & In Contempt by not turning over 1st 302 FBI Interview Docs


SHOCKING:Mueller defies Judge Sullivan- in contempt of Court by not turning over the 1st 302/ FBI interview Docs.from January 24th 20i7 2:PM EST – Rather, he gave the judge and the Flynn defense team a heavily redacted reconstructed 302 that was contrived by the immoral LIAR & crook Peter Strzok! The Judge is boiling over but what measures he will take against Mueller and his angry band of Hillary supporters is still yet to bee seen. Bob Mueller not only thinks he’s above the Law in threatening & suborning testimony out of his targets – (while withholding exculpatory evidence that would prove his target’s innocence) but. by failing to turn over all docs to General Mike Flynn legal defense team, and failing to produce for the Federal District Court Judge – Emmet G. Sullivan the original FBI 302 info -I guess Mueller thinks he’s also above a FEDERAL COURT JUDGE too! So then. what will this Federal Judge do after giving the Mueller witch hunt team a final warning to get the original 302 notes and observation docs to him by middle of next week? Will he hold Mueller in contempt? Will he sanction them? Will he throw the government’s phony case against General Flynn out of court entirely? Could some of these obfuscators and recalcitrant attorneys be disbarred and thus lose their right to practice law? Stay tuned.… But the truth of the matter is that Mike Flynn is innocent and true justice demands his exoneration at today’s hearing. Mike’s only crime was his devout loyalty to the Constitution and his support of this President. Judge Sullivan- please do the right and just thing. Americans are weary of all this Federal corruption! ALSO BREAKING: New AG Bill Barr Will Prosecute Hillary & End the Mueller Probe he says- Bill Barr is the President’s right choice for the vaunted position since he has a history of running against the grain in order to enforce the rule of law – especially when it comes to treasonous & corrupt DC politicians. In 2017 he told both the New York Times & Washington Post the following:… 1. That Mueller’s legal team of all Democrats was not balanced and seemed politically motivated. 2. That the Russian collusion charge against the President seemed exceptionally weak. 3. That there was no basis for an obstruction of justice charge when the President fired Jim Comey as that is his unquestionable executive right, privilege and power under Article 2 of the US Constitution. 4. That there seems to be zero evidence for obstruction (albeit Mueller is now stretching the liar Cohen’s plea into a campaign finance infraction cover up by the Prez – yet still a stretch to prove or show evidence that President Trump demanded Cohen obstruct justice or lie to investigators as some sort of “un-indicted co-conspirator” like Nixon. Mueller is desperate and has virtually nothing on Russian collusion or conspiracy – other than the words of a proven liar who is trying to save his own neck) He can’t get his “star” witnesses to tell he and Weissmann what they want to hear – he’s not getting people to lie against the president as he had hoped. Except for seedy Michael Cohen which no judge or jury would trust as he is already been proven to be a liar. 5. That most of the compelling and obvious collusion with Russia as well as real obstruction is on the DNC & Hillary Clinton side of the ledger. 6. That as AG he would commence a formal FBI/DOJ investigation into Hillary’s server scandal and her missing subpoenaed 33,000 emails. 7. That the pay for play Uranium One deal seems to shout for an investigation the loudest etc. & ad nauseum.