Spiritual Warfare

NO HELL BELOW US? Um, Pope Francis We Have a PROBLEM.

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from TheRemnantvideo:

NO HELL BELOW US? (Staying Catholic Despite Pope Francis)


Editor’s Note: This catacombs “set” is a bit creepy, but the content shared here from a Catholic perspective, about the Pope, is worth a listen.

Down in the catacombs, Michael Matt comments on Pope Francis’s latest heretical bombshell whereby he reportedly told his good friend, atheist journalist Eugenio Scalfari, that there is no hell. Vatican damage control notwithstanding, millions around the world now believe the Roman Pontiff rejects an infallibly defined dogma of the Catholic Church on the existence of Hell. As this was reported on Holy Thursday many are listening for the cock to crow. So now what? Using Mary Magdalene as model, Michael lays out a plan for what we might do to keep the old Faith despite Pope Francis and the Modernist revolution in the Catholic Church. To subscribe to The Remnant newspaper: https://remnantnewspaper.com


Michael Savage reacts to ”There is no Hell” Pope – “This Pope is a PLANT!”
