Qanon – ‘The Keystone’ the Senior Executive Service (SES)
from Bill Smith:
Qanon – ‘The Keystone’ the Senior Executive Service (SES)
Qanon posts and updates have pointed out the Keystone with repetition, and we have several theories.
Theory 1: a long STRINGER coded message of THE MAP
Theory 2: Embedded Google code used for CIA hacking ability
Theory 3: The Senior Executive Service (SES) founded 1978
or option 4: Could be ALL THE ABOVE ?
I’ve presented theories 1 and 2, so here’s the third. Others have covered this in detail so I try to keep it short, everything else is opinion.
But did you know?: California let an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT (Female / Hispanic) 1. TAKE THE BAR EXAM 2. PRACTICE LAW IN CALIFORNIA
3. And just became the first person to ever hold public office while not being a citizen of the united states??? #3 is the important part, but it started at #1, or #0: being here illegally. We’re past the slippery slope. The boulder is rolling downhill towards our quaint, sleepy little village.
Will we stop it?? I try to tell you about things you’d never know about in the free time I have at the end of videos. Most people never get that far anyway but you did. So let me know in the comments if you like that sort of thing. I’m doing it for you. Thanks, Bill Smith
Another good upload from Bill Smith…
Qanon – Pedophile Peddler Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trying to DESTROY YOU and Lower Age of Consent to 12 !!!
Also Must Watch:
QAnon 2/8/18 – Rosenstein is Himmler’s Son, Cancer Cure Coverup with Dead Researchers