
Pedophile, Trafficking Crackdown – Good Guys Finally Winning?

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from Sarah Westall:

Pedophile, Trafficking Crackdown – Good Guys Finally Winning?


Journalist and Activist, Tim Holmseth, rejoins the program to share the positive developments in his case against the shadow government and the child pedhophile trafficking rings. He has been in a fight for his life for over a decade against the worst of the worst criminals. The first interview with Mr. Holmseth shocked many with a detailed description on how traffickers launder babies through embassies and then sell them to demented individuals for nefarious reasons. You can see the first interview here: https://youtu.be/24eLwcwy7M0

See more of Timothy Holmseth’s case, his journalism, and support his work at: http://www.writeintoaction.com/
