
The Best Gift Ever? THIS is What Ancient Humans Would Give YOU.

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from Bright Insight:

Best Gift Ever? THIS is What Ancient Humans Would Give ANYONE for Christmas


If ancient humans were to see our future society standing in line outside Wal-Mart out Black Friday, they’d probably crap their pants and puke in their own mouths at the same time. The Tao Te Ching is treasure of Wisdom, and I strongly feel that this is one of the best gifts to give anyone, whether it be for Christmas, Birthdays, anything.

Here is a link to the one I bought for myself, friend and family on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tao-Te-Ching-L…

(And just to clarify, I have zero incentive of any kind to encourage you to buy this particular version, it’s simply the one I found and I love it).

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